Angkor University students majoring in Engineering and Architecture​ to visit Angkor Serey Mongkol.

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Angkor University students majoring in Engineering and Architecture​ to visit Angkor Serey Mongkol.

On the 5th of January in the year 2023, an enthusiastic and curious group of bright young minds from Angkor University, specializing in engineering and architecture, embarked on a thrilling journey to inspect the construction site of "Angkor Serey Mongkul." The aim of their visit was to design a smart home and garden. To achieve this, the students had to delve deep into the intricacies of construction techniques, water system design, and other infrastructure related to classroom theory. The students' learning was not limited to theoretical knowledge but extended to practical work at the site. This hands-on experience allowed them to apply their classroom knowledge in real-world scenarios. The foundation of their learning was linked to the construction site, which provided them with a unique opportunity to observe and understand the practical aspects of their field. With their boundless enthusiasm and eagerness to explore, the students were able to gain valuable insights into the design and construction of smart homes and gardens. The site visit was a crucial part of their academic journey, and the students gained both practical and theoretical knowledge, which would undoubtedly help them in their future endeavors.

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