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The Education Program on "Reproductive, Cervical Cancer, Maternal, Newborn and Child, and Primary Health Care

It is an honor and privilege for Angkor University to welcome the National Elite Working Group of the Cambodian Red Cross to an educational program on "Reproductive, Cervical Cancer, Maternal, Newborn and Child, and Primary Health Care".

Her Excellency Mom Chanthy, Deputy Director of Health Department at Cambodian Red Cross and Secretary of the National Elite Working Group made a presentation on the content of the above topics, in which she stated:
-Reproductive health status in 2022
-Maternal, newborn, and child health status in Cambodia
-Key activities of the National Elite Working Group
-Basic Knowledge of Reproductive Health
-Causes of Cervical Cancer and Breast Cancer , symptoms and prevention.

At the end of the program, the First Deputy Secretary General of the Cambodian Red Cross and the Permanent Vice President of the National Elite Working Group, Men Neary Sopheak, expressed her gratitude to the management team, professors, and staff of Angkor University for help in enabling the students to participate in this outreach programs. She commended us for always organizing various programs that allow students to engage in social and community activities.
Her Excellency Men Neary Sopheak also presented a letter of appreciation and souvenirs from Samdech Kittipritthbandit Bun Rany Hun Sen, President of the Cambodian Red Cross, to our university. Additionally, 8 students who answered questions during the program also received souvenirs.

We are delighted and thankful to have Samdech Kittipritthbandit Bun Rany Hun Sen for establishing an educational program on "Reproductive, Cervical Cancer, Maternal, Newborn and Child, and Primary Health Care". This program serves as the basis for building a community that values knowledge-sharing and understanding of these crucial health topics for A.U students and Cambodian people as well.

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