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Warmly Welcome Dr. Ruslan Masgutov MD, Ph.D.

Angkor University is pleased to welcome Ruslan Masgutov MD, Ph.D., a Surgery Specialist from the PESTRECHINSKAYA Central Autonomous Region Hospital of the Russian Federation, for a visit to Angkor University and Jayavarman VII Hospital.

Ruslan Masgutov MD, Ph.D., has achieved great success in his career. He owns three international patents and has received numerous awards. Dr. Masgutov has also published several scientific research articles on health and is the co-author and content creator of an online course called "Health Without Medicine and Scientific Methods". Additionally, he is the author of "Manual Practices of Dr. Masgutov".

The purpose of this visit is to promote Cambodian hospitals' public health care to Russian speakers around the world and to promote health tourism programs as well as fundraising fundraisers for the hospital in the future.

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