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Study tour to Siem Reap Court Of First Instance And Prosecution Attached To Court

A group of students majoring in Public Law at Angkor University, led by Asst. Prof. Prov. KHENG Chenda, Vice Dean of Faculty of Sociology and Law, was recently given the opportunity to attend a series of hearings related to a fraud case at the Siem Reap Court of First Instance and Prosecution attached to the Court. The purpose of this study tour was to provide the students with an in-depth understanding of the legal system and its inner workings, which will be beneficial for their future professional endeavors.

We are immensely grateful to the Court and the Siem Reap Court of First Instance and Prosecution attached to the Court for giving our students the chance to experience the practical aspects of the legal profession. Witnessing the proceedings and the way things work in an actual courtroom was a valuable learning experience for our students.

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