Opening Hours : Monday to Saturday - 7:30 Am to 9:15 Pm


JWOC student Visit to Angkor University

On 19 December2023, We had a pleasure to have a cordial meeting between Angkor University and Journey Within Our Community. During this meeting......


"Books donation by ASEAN Friendship of Press Association and Cambodia Alumni Association"

On December 19th, 2023, Mr. Seng Reachsey, President of "ASEAN Friendship of Press Association" and Director of "Anakat Thmey" visited Angkor University. They brought some books as a gift from Mr. Mae Sithon, President of "Cambodia Alumni Association...


Scholarship written exam at Angkor University on December 15, 2023

There are a lot of candidates from different high schools and provinces came to take scholarship written exam at Angkor University on December 15, 2023 at the morning time for scholarship awards offered by Angkor University in academic year 2023-2024. ...


Graduation Ceremony of Angkor University

The morning of December 12, 2023 was an auspicious time filled with great enthusiasm that Angkor University had its greatest honor to have the eminent presence of H.E. Dr. Hang Chuon Naron, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education, Youth and Sports in the Graduation Ceremony for 199 students, 111 of whom were females, at Angkor University. The ceremony was attended by His Excellency, He...


ASEAN-CHINA Education Expo

At least 40 schools in China have cooperated with Cambodia, including Angkor University, to participate in "ASEAN-CHINA Education Expo"...


Welcome Chinese-ASEAN Delegation to Angkor University

We extend a warm welcome Chinese-ASEAN Delegation to Angkor University. We are honored to have this particular chance with the Chinese-ASEAN Delegation and look forward to fruitful discussions and cultural exchange during this time as well as in the future....


Welcome lecturers and nursing students from Edith Cowan University, Joondalup, Australia.

Mrs. SOR Seileang, Director of Cooperation and Technology, has welcomed lecturers and nursing students from Edith Cowan University, Joondalup, Australia, to Angkor University through the coordination of Mr. SENG Hout, Lecturer of the Faculty of Public Health....


Courtesy Call from Dr. TRAN Thi Anh-Dao, Attaché for Scientific and Higher Education Cooperation of French Embassy in Cambodia

On 23 October 2023, Dr. GNEL Rattha, Rector of Angkor University, cordially received a courtesy call from Dr. TRAN Thi Anh-Dao, Attaché for Scientific and Higher Education Cooperation of French Embassy in Cambodia...


A.U. Scientific Academic Journal and Research Article

Angkor University (A.U.) launched the A.U. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Green Innovation (AUJEGI) and workshop on the Transformation technique of the thesis to research articles under the presidency of Assoc. Prof. Dr. CHHOEUT Khunleap, Deputy Director of the Department of Scientific Research of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport. ...


Opportunity to Receive the Fund for Research

Workshop on Opportunity to Receive the Budget "Research for Development” from the Research Creativity and Innovation Fund” ...


The MOU Signing Ceremony between Angkor University (Cambodia) and Ton Duc Thang University (Vietnam)

Angkor University (A.U.) and Ton Duc Thang University (TDT) have signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to further explore potential collaborations in research projects and institutional exchanges, by inviting students, faculty members and administrators, to organize symposia, conferences, short course program and meetings on research issues. ...


Cultural exchange activities between Angkor University and Ton Duc Thang University, Vietnam
on October 20, 2023

Cultural exchange is sharing different ideas, traditions, and knowledge with someone who may be coming from completely different background than your own. It’s important to be aware of the differences between cultures, particularly if you are ......


14th General Assembly of the Regional Conference of Rectors of AUF Institutions in Asia-Pacific (C2R-AP)

14th General Assembly of the Regional Conference of Rectors of AUF Institutions in Asia-Pacific (C2R-AP)...


Forum on "Cambodia Tourism and Green Development in Siem Reap Region Specifically"

Forum on "Cambodia Tourism and Green Development in Siem Reap Region Specifically" which will be held on 6th October 2023...


Signing Ceremony for the Memorandum of Understanding between Angkor University, Cambodia and Kadiri University, Indonesia

The areas of cooperation will include any program offered at either institution that is determined to be desirable and feasible for the achievement of these objectives. The specific program shall cover on majors in nursing, midwifery, civil engineering, business management, public law and accounting. Such programs may include: .......


A meeting between Angkor University and Mr. KAWAGUCHI MASAKI, the Consular Office of Japan in Siem Reap.

On August 25, 2023, Angkor University university held a meeting to commemorate the 70-year relationship between Cambodia and Japan, which began in 1953. The meeting was attended by a prominent guest, Mr. KAWAGUCHI MASAKI, the Consular Office of Japan in Siem Reap, who was invited to represent the Japanese government....


Semester Final Examination

Semester Final Examination for Associate Degree in Nursing, 9th Generation and 5th Generation Midwifery, 1st Year, 2nd Semester Exam Session Date: 07-09 June 2023....


The delegates of Angkor University

The delegates of Angkor University, who led by the Rector and accompanied by his colleagues, to attend the Erasmus Program for Joining 19th International Weeks at University College of Enterprise and Administration(WSPA) under the Erasmus+ Program for Staff Mobility for Teaching and Training, will be hosted 29th May to 2nd June, 2023, Lublin, Poland....


Study tour of Poipet-O'Neang Special Economic Zone of Master's students in Business Administration

Study tour of Poipet-O'Neang Special Economic Zone of Master's students in Business Administration...